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 Supporting children to build strong foundations for life!
Image by Dragos Gontariu


How can Inspire Kids Occupational Therapy help?

Inspire Kids Occupational Therapy provides a home, school and clinic based service offering comprehensive assessment and intervention to support children with everyday life skills. At Inspire Kids our aim is to see every child achieve their highest potential.

How do I know if my child needs Occupational Therapy?

Inspire Kids works with children aged between 0 - 10 years old supporting children with the following concerns:


  • Play and Learning

  • Social and Emotional Skills

  • Attention and Concentration

  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Handwriting Skills

  • Motor Planning and Coordination

  • School Readiness and Transitions

  • Sensory Processing

  • Self Regulation

  • Feeding Difficulties

  • Activities of Daily Living 

       (Dressing, Toileting & Sleep)


Supporting Children Living With

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Genetic and Chromosomal Disorders

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder

  • Sensory Processing Challenges

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Developmental Delays

  • Behavioural Challenges


Complimentary Phone Call

Inspire Kids Occupational Therapy provides a complimentary 15-minute phone conversation to discuss how we can best support you and your child’s development. Please contact us for a friendly chat on 0431 500 283.

Child Doing Art Activity





Inspire Kids Therapy aims to support you on your journey with your child. Supporting you to NURTURE  your child’s individual growth and development by helping them navigate their world.


We strongly believe that nurturing connection builds trusting relationships providing a strong foundation.

Inspire Kids Therapy is passionate about working with parents and caregivers to EMPOWER you through provision of new strategies and walking alongside you on your journey. We believe that a family focussed approach facilitates the most successful outcomes. 

We strive to support children to build a positive sense of self so they are able to be confident, flexible and resilient across all environments.

Inspire Kids Therapy strives to see children THRIVE  to reach their full potential. Our goal is to support children to grow and develop new skills, to enable a greater understanding of themselves and their capabilities.  We aspire to achieve the best possible outcomes for each and every child we work with.

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Melissa da Graca Costa
Occupational Therapist


Meet the Founder 

Melissa da Graca Costa is the founder of Inspire Kids Therapy and is passionate about supporting children to achieve their highest potential. She has a broad range of experience working in the paediatric field. Melissa has worked with children over the past 15 years across numerous settings including acute inpatient hospital care, community outpatient setting, schools and private practice. She has experience supporting children ranging in age from 0 – 15 years old with a range of developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental coordination disorder, genetic and chromosomal disorders, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy and feeding difficulties. Melissa has also worked on the neonatal unit at Flinders Medical Centre and was the Occupational Therapy coordinator as part of the multidisciplinary team for the neonatal follow up program. 


Melissa loves working with children and their families and constantly aims to achieve the best outcomes possible for every child. She is passionate about providing therapy intervention plans specific to the individual needs of every child around their strengths, interests and the priorities of their family. Melissa works collaboratively with parents, caregivers, teachers and other allied health professionals to enable successful therapy outcomes. Melissa believes that parents and caregivers are the key to successful goal attainment.


Melissa has spent some time in the Philippines as a volunteer at the Philippine General Hospital rehabilitation department and Rehoboth Children’s Orphanage. Melissa thoroughly enjoys working with children of all ages and has a particular interest in providing early intervention for children 5 years and under. Melissa is married and is mum of two beautiful children.

Melissa highly values professional development. Below are some of the trainings completed that guide her practice:

  • Certificate in Infant Mental Health

  • DIR Floor Time Training 

  • Sleep Ability Training

  • Learn to Play Program 

  • Meal Times - SOS Feeding Training

  • Toilet Training For Children with Disabilities 


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National Disability Insurance Scheme 

Inspire Kids currently accepts Self and Plan Managed NDIS clients. To commence services with NDIS funding, Inspire Kids requires an approved NDIS Plan and signed service agreement.



Inspire Kids provides services under the Medicare Benefits Scheme. Inspire kids is registered to provide Occupational Therapy under the following plans:

  • Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan (Formerly EPC)

  • Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP)

  • Helping Children with Autism 

How do I access this funding?

To commence services under a Medicare plan a GP or Paediatrician referral for one of the above plans is required. Your GP or Paediatrician will determine whether your child meets the eligibility criteria for these plans. There are out of pocket costs when using a Care Plan.


Private Health

Inspire Kids provides services under Private Health insurance. There are out of pocket costs when using Private Health insurance.


To obtain a copy of a full fee schedule including rebate amounts and additional information regarding Medicare plans please email Inspire Kids Occupational Therapy at 

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